Procedure for self-updation of Family Data in PPP

Procedure for self-updation of Family Data in PPP

  1. The Citizen shall visit the URL and click on the “Update Family Details” tab for editing/updating her/his family data provided in PPP.
  2. At this point the citizen shall be prompted to enter and submit his/her 8 digit (or the earlier 12 digit) Family ID. After entering the Family ID, An OTP (One Time Password) shall be sent on the mobile of the Head of Family. This is the mobile number already stored in the PPP database.
  3. Once the correct OTP is entered, the citizen shall be shown the PPP page containing data of all family members registered under the Family ID entered by him on the earlier step.
  4. The data updation on PPP can be done in accordance with some pre-defined rules. The following rules apply for the structure of the family present on the portal:
    1. In case the family structure (i.e. number of family members) of the family has already been validated in the system through a field verification process, and a citizen signed form for the family is available in the database, then the citizen shall be allowed to add a member to the family. However, deletion of members will not be permitted.
    2. In case the family structure is not yet validated in PPP, then the citizen shall be allowed to add or delete family members. In case of deletion, a separate form shall be opened asking for the Name and Aadhar number of the Family Member to be chosen from amongst Family Members to be deleted. The deletion shall be permitted only after verification and the decision on actual deletion of member shall be done after field verification exercise (to determine the authenticity of the deletion request).
    3. Editing of individual fields for each member of the family shall be allowed as per predefined rules.
    4. For certain fields editing shall be allowed only till software based validation is completed. The example of such fields are: Aadhar number, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Father’s name, Mother’s name. For some fields, editing shall be permitted once: Gender, Caste, Voter ID. For the following fields, editing shall be permitted twice: Names in local language. For most other fields, editing shall be permitted multiple times by following Steps 1 to 4 specified above. Any further updates in fields without multiple permission, shall only be allowed through the PPP camps organised by the LCs (the information for these shall be provided from time to time via the respective ADCs (Additional Deputy Commissioner)).
  5. Once the citizen has updated the data for the whole family, he can submit the same on the portal.
  6. Once submit button is pushed, SMS regarding the PPP form Updation/Editing shall be sent on the mobile of the Head of Family.
  7. The PPP application edited through citizen editing module shall be marked as ‘Edited’ in the system.
  8. Thereafter, whenever any member of such a family visits the CSC center to avail any service which is integrated with PPP or during the camps, the PPP form can be printed, signed by the citizen and uploaded back on the PPP portal. This shall complete the updation process.

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