MongoDB database deleted automatically

MongoDB database deleted automatically

If MongoDB indexes are getting deleted automatically, it's an unusual situation that typically should not occur under normal circumstances. However, several factors could contribute to this behavior. Let's explore some common reasons and troubleshooting steps:

Solution 1 :

Open the file mongod.conf from the path etc/mongod.conf  amd update with the given file content

# mongod.conf
# for documentation of all options, see:
# Where and how to store data.
  dbPath: /var/lib/mongodb
#  engine:
#  wiredTiger:
# where to write logging data.
  destination: file
  logAppend: true
  path: /var/log/mongodb/mongod.log
# network interfaces
  port: 27017
# how the process runs
  timeZoneInfo: /usr/share/zoneinfo
authorization: enabled
## Enterprise-Only Options:

Solution 2:

Possible Reasons for Automatic Index Deletion

  1. Application or Script Issues:

    • Check if any scripts or applications have the capability to modify or delete indexes. Sometimes, automated scripts for database maintenance might inadvertently remove indexes.
  2. Database Migration or Restore:

    • During database migration or restore operations, indexes might not be recreated automatically. Ensure that your backup and restore processes include index recreation.
  3. Database Rebuilds:

    • If you're performing operations like repairDatabase or compact, indexes may be dropped and need to be recreated.
  4. Configuration Errors:

    • Configuration issues, such as incorrect usage of database replication or sharding, might lead to unexpected index behavior.
  5. Admin Operations:

    • Accidental deletions by database administrators during maintenance or optimization tasks could also be a cause.
  6. Corrupted Data:

    • Data corruption or inconsistencies in the database files could lead to unexpected behavior, including index deletions.
  7. Software Bugs:

    • Though rare, bugs in MongoDB or related software could potentially lead to indexes being deleted.
  8. User Permissions:

    • Misconfigured user permissions could allow unauthorized users to delete indexes inadvertently.
  9. Outdated MongoDB Version:

    • Running an outdated version of MongoDB might expose you to bugs that have been fixed in newer releases.
  10. Cluster Issues:

    • In a sharded or replica set environment, improper management or configuration could lead to synchronization issues that affect indexes.

Troubleshooting Steps

  1. Review Logs:

    • Check MongoDB logs for any messages indicating index deletions. Look for commands like dropIndex or any errors related to indexing.
  2. Audit Application Code:

    • Review your application code to ensure that it does not include any operations that might delete indexes.
  3. Examine Maintenance Scripts:

    • Inspect any maintenance or backup scripts that might interact with the database. Ensure they don't include commands that could remove indexes.
  4. Verify Backup and Restore Procedures:

    • Confirm that your backup and restore processes include the recreation of indexes.
  5. Check Database Permissions:

    • Verify that user permissions are correctly configured and that only authorized users can perform index-related operations.
  6. Monitor Index Changes:

    • Enable MongoDB auditing to track changes to indexes. This can help identify which users or processes are making modifications.
  7. Upgrade MongoDB:

    • Ensure you are running a supported and up-to-date version of MongoDB. Upgrade if necessary to benefit from bug fixes and improvements.
  8. Review Cluster Configuration:

    • If using a sharded cluster or replica set, check the configuration for any issues that might lead to inconsistent indexing.
  9. Database Integrity Check:

    • Perform a validate operation on your collections to check for corruption or inconsistencies.
  10. Recreate Indexes:

    • If indexes have been lost, recreate them using the appropriate createIndex commands based on your application’s requirements.

Steps to Recreate Indexes

To recreate an index, use the createIndex method:

db.collection.createIndex({ fieldName: 1 })

Replace fieldName with the actual field name you want to index. Use the appropriate index type and options as required for your use case.


Automatic deletion of MongoDB indexes is an abnormal occurrence that should be thoroughly investigated. By systematically checking logs, reviewing scripts, ensuring proper configuration, and possibly upgrading your MongoDB version, you can identify and mitigate the issue.

If you continue to face issues, consider reaching out to MongoDB support or consulting with a database specialist to diagnose and resolve the problem.

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