PMKVY Job Roles - Skill Council for Persons with Disability
PMKVY Job Roles - Skill Council for Persons with Disability
All individuals need the right tools and work environment to effectively perform their jobs. Similarly, Persons with Disabilities (PwD) also need training, workplace adjustments or accommodations to maximize their productivity.In the Indian context, training of PwD has traditionally formed a socially excluded minority. The problems associated with social exclusion are many and complex. The resolution Of these problems is challenging and requires imaginative and multifaceted actions. Both access and outcome is possible by removing barriers to social inclusion. In addition to allowing for positive action measures, mainstreaming must also recognize the diversity between PwD, and the need for an individualized approach to meet their vocational training needs.
The Skill Council for Persons with Disabilities, since its inception in October 2015, has been working on mobilizing training partners towards fulfilling the skill initiative of PwD under the PMKVY scheme.
SCPwD is a horizontal Skill Council (SC) that will appropriately select suitable job roles or Qualification Pack (QP) of SSCs and adopt their entire Qualification Packs. SCPwD will append an Expository, which is an addendum to the QP of the domain sector - detailing information regarding diverse training needs and methodologoies which need to be adopted to train for various disabilities. Training providers will use this Expository to develop curriculum and align it with the respective QP.
Skill Council for Person with Disability has responsibility for skills and workforce development of Persons with Disability. SCPwD gives employers direct influence on training policy and is looking at education and training at all levels. The Key objective of the Council is to create a robust and vibrant ecosystem for quality education and skill development for Persons with Disability in the country.
Key goals of SCPwD are
- Reduce skill gaps and shortages
- Improve learning supply
- Improve productivity
- Create Vibrant Labour Market Information System
- Increase opportunities for all individuals in the workforce
A Dynamic and evolving organization with a National Vision and focus of skilling Persons with Disability, The Skill Council for Persons with Disability (SCPwD) was incepted in October 2015 to offer Persons with Disability meaningful, industry relevant, skill based training. The Organization was promoted by Confederation of Indian Industry under the aegis of Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship and Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment. It targets skill development of People with Disability as per industry needs which can help them to be gainfully employed and contribute to India’s growing economy.
All initiatives taken by SCPwD empowering PwD (Persons with Disability), move towards formulating local and national level strategies for shaping the future of PwD in India. Towards this beginning, there are several projects which have been undertaken by the council since its inception. One among the recent is the collaboration with Glasgow Kelvin College, Scotland under UK-India Education and Research Institute (UKIERI) to benchmark standards between India and Scotland in the area of Disability.
We aspire for a successful endeavor for PwD by addressing the skilling gap, providing right tools and work environment to effectively perform their jobs. SCPwD is now poised for future growth, driven by a National Vision and outreach, with a philosophy that assigns primacy for PwD to enterprise in the Government sector, Industry and also individual accomplishments.
What We Do
All individuals need the right tools and work environment to effectively perform their jobs. Similarly, Persons with Disability (PwD) also need training, workplace adjustments - or accommodation - to maximize their productivity.
In the Indian context, training of PwD has traditionally formed a socially excluded minority. The problems associated with social exclusion are many and complex. The resolution of these problems is challenging and requires imaginative and multifaceted actions; both access and outcome is possible by removing barriers to social inclusion. In addition to allowing for positive action measures, mainstreaming must also recognize the diversity between PwD, and the need for an individualized approach to meet their vocational training needs.
The Skill Council for Persons with Disability (SCPwD), since its inception in October 2015, has been working on mobilizing training partners towards fulfilling the skill initiative of PwD under the PMKVY (Pradhan Mantri Kaushal VikasYojna meaning Prime Minister’s Skill Development Plan).
Job Roles

Trainers Orientation Programme
Trainers accomplish an important role in upgrading the skills of the workforce and learners to meet technological changes and challenges at the workplace. Trainers can excel in their job once they understand learning needs and capabilities of the learners, in our sector, persons with disabilities. It is important because people of different age groups and people with different disabilities have different learning abilities, which should be considered by a trainer while training them. Sector Skill Council’s Train The Trainer (TTT) Program prepares trainers to effectively: instruct, train, advice and assess people taking part in the training programs aligned to Disability related NOS. The primary objective of TTT program is to introduce the trainers to the changing space of training in the country. With the setting up of Sector Skill Councils and advent of National Occupational Standards (NOS) for various job roles across sectors, it is important for the existing and aspiring trainers to be up-to-date with all these developments. A trainer can deliver great results only when he/she understands the basics and is able to cater to needs of the learners.
The TTT program consists of the following modules:
- Introduction to Qualification Packs and NOS
- Basics of Adult Learning Theories/Principles
- Responsibilities of a Trainer
- Training on relevant NOS of the given Job Role
- SCPwD Top-up TOT module
Assessor Orientation Programme Assessors play crucial role in the Assessment Process. Assessor needs to understand the SSC assessment process with respective of Qualification Pack and its NOSs. SCPwD organizes Assessor Orientation Programs with the aim of guiding the Assessors and Assessment Agencies to follow the proper procedure while conducting the Assessment process.
The Objective of the Program is to help the Assessors in understanding the various schemes, Qualification Packs (QP) and Assessment relevant to SCPwD, Assessment Criteria and marks allocations, Assessment process, understand and perform Pre-& Post Assessment process and fulfill its requisites.
The program consists of following sessions:
- About SCPwD.
- About various Scheme.
- Introduction to QP and NOS/Expository.
- Types of Disability
- Types of Training and Assessment.
- Assessment Process for each disability
- Assessment Methodology - Viva/Practical/Knowledge Test.
- Assessors – Empanelment, Post Empanelment, Assessment Teams.
- Roles and responsibilities of Assessors.
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