Subscribers can use this Offline Aadhaar EKYC facility in addition to the existing facility to do the KYC.
I am pleased to inform you that KFintech have now developed the functionality whereby the customer can choose the option of "PAN" or ‘Aadhaar’ and proceed further for opening the PRAN.
Few important features:
1. The Subscriber will upload "Aadhaar Paperless Offline e-KYC" file downloaded by him/her from UIDAI website. Currently, there are no charges levied by UIDAI for this facility.
2. The Subscriber will accept the declaration "I hereby provide my consent to use the data from Aadhaar Paperless Offline e-KYC (uploaded file) uploaded by me for the purpose of registration under NPS only. I understand that changing any details linked to Aadhaar in the future will not result in change in details in my NPS account automatically" before extraction of data from Aadhaar Paperless Offline e-KYC file.
With this functionality additional operational step of verifying the KYC and the possibility of KYC rejection has also been eliminated.
This functionality is already available in production from 18th May, 2020.
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