How to block 2083 port in cpanel through whm

How to block 2083 port in cpanel through whm

To block port 2083 in cPanel through WHM (Web Host Manager), you'll need to modify the firewall rules using the CSF (ConfigServer Security & Firewall) plugin, which is commonly used with cPanel/WHM servers for managing firewall settings. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to do this:

  1. Log in to WHM: Log in to your WHM panel using your administrator credentials.

  2. Access CSF: Search for "ConfigServer Security & Firewall" in the WHM search bar or navigate to the "Plugins" section and click on "ConfigServer Security & Firewall."

  3. Configure CSF: Once in the CSF interface, you can configure various firewall settings. Locate and click on the "Firewall Configuration" link.

  4. Edit Port Settings: Scroll down to the section labeled "IPv4 Port Settings" (or "IPv6 Port Settings" if applicable) and find the port 2083. In the "Allowed Incoming Ports" field, you'll see a list of allowed ports. Remove "2083" from this list.

  5. Save Changes: After removing port 2083 from the "Allowed Incoming Ports" list, scroll to the bottom of the page and click the "Change" button to save your changes.

  6. Restart CSF: After saving the changes, navigate back to the main CSF control panel. Scroll down and click on the "Restart csf+lfd" button. This will restart the firewall and apply the new settings.

Keep in mind that these steps assume that you are using CSF to manage your server's firewall. If you're using a different firewall management tool, the steps may vary slightly. Also, blocking port 2083 will prevent cPanel access over HTTPS, so make sure you have alternative ways to manage your server and websites before implementing this change.

Additionally, performing any changes to server settings can have significant impacts, so it's recommended to have a backup of your server and to be familiar with server administration before making such modifications. If you're not comfortable doing this yourself, consider seeking assistance from a server administrator or a professional who is experienced with cPanel and server security.

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